With thousands of human beings successfully using a variety of stem cell therapies and getting positive results, we can be assured that under proper conditions stem cell therapy is safe.

Safety is a main concern in stem cell therapy. This therapy consists of putting a substance in the form of capsule or solution into the body. Once inside or inserted into the body, the substance is hard to control.

Why is stem cell therapy often compared with the hepatitis B virus?

They are similar in some aspects. Both are foreign bodies. Both make changes in the body causing it to react.

However, they are different. Hepatitis B virus makes you sick. Stem cell therapy heals you.

Hepatitis B Virus

“Virus” is plural; “virion” is singular. Hepatitis is a disease that consists mainly of inflammation of the liver. Major complications are cirrhosis (scarring of the liver) and liver cancer. Some symptoms of hepatitis are fatigue, stomach pain, jaundice, and loss of appetite.

There are several kinds of hepatitis: Hepatitis A is caused by the hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B is from the hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C from the hepatitis C virus, hepatitis D from the hepatitis D virus, and hepatitis E is caused by hepatitis E virus.

Virus are of two kinds: DNA virus and RNA virus. DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid that makes up the hereditary material of humans and plants. It contains the information code that controls how a human being looks, thinks, and acts. RNA means ribonucleic acid, a messenger that transmits the information code in the making of protein.

You might compare the making of a body to the construction of a house — similar to house plans given to the carpenters who use them to build a house.

Our body is mostly made up of protein. Muscles have protein, as do blood, brain, and nerves. DNA and RNA work together in making a human being. DNA contains the plan of a human being; RNA delivers the plan that serves as guide in making the components of a human being. A virion is neither living nor dead, according to what we believe a living thing is. It is not even a cell. However, it becomes alive when it attaches to a host, like a human being, pig, or fowl. That is, when it attaches to and enters a cell of a living host, it then activates.

Hepatitis B is a DNA viron. It is a very small thing that cannot be seen by the ordinary microscope. Its size and shape can be detected with the help of a powerful microscope called electron microscope.

Hepatitis B virion is transmitted to a person by means of blood and body fluid or both. A small amount of blood is enough to cause hepatitis B. A syringe used on a person with hepatitis B can transmit the virion to another person who is injected with the same syringe. Even a nail clipper can transmit hepa B virus. Sexual acts can transmit hepa B virus, too.

Viral infection

When a hepa B virion lands in a human cell, it looks for a hole in the cell that matches its size and shape. A human cell may have 500 to many thousands of holes.  Although it doesn’t fit the definition of something that is alive, the virion actually is a different form of life or at least acts that way, as is shown by its search for a hole. Once it finds a matching hole, the virion gets inside the cell and “looks for” (in layman’s terms) the nucleus that contains the hereditary material, among other things. That material is the chromosome made up of several DNA and RNA. A human being has 46 chromosomes. A chromosome is like a bean pod that is two inches long. Chromosomes can be seen in a patch of blood or saliva by the ordinary microscope.

A chromosome is made of genes like the seeds of a bean pod. A viral chromosome may have 5 to 10 genes. The chromosomes of a human being contains 3 trillion genes, according the Human Genome Project (Internet, Oct. 6, 2013).

Once inside the nucleus of a human cell, the virion inserts itself into the chromosomes. So now the infected human being has 3 trillion plus 10 genes. That is one kind of change the hepatitis B virion makes on the human being – it increases the number of its genes.

Hepa B virus favor the liver cells because these contain a lot of folic acid (a B-complex vitamin) that are components of new cells. Without folic acid, no new cells can be made. The hepa B virion needs it to be able to multiply or replicate into thousands then millions of new virus. We say that the virion parasitizes (becomes a parasite on) the liver cell. A virion duplicates its population every 20 minutes, which is why infection with hepatitis occurs so rapidly.

Virtual virion

A human cell onto whose one chromosome a hepatitis virion has inserted itself is virtually a hepatitis virion. This one infected cell duplicates its chromosomes and produces two sets of new chromosomes containing viral genes. The two sets of chromosomes form two daughter cells that are virtually virus. These virus infect neighboring healthy human cells that will also turn into virtual virus.

To summarize, the hepatitis virion looks for a hole in a human cell. It inserts its genes into a chromosome of this cell. When the cell produces new cells, the virion likewise replicates. Parasitizing the liver, hepatitis B causes inflammation that may result in cirrhosis or liver cancer.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells used in stem cell therapy may come from human beings or plants. This is explained in the StemCell101 article, “How Plant Stem Cells Work in Stem Cell Therapy.”

When given to a patient, stem cells from plants trigger the native stem cells to multiply and differentiate. Plant stem cells do not insert their genes into the person’s chromosomes. That is why someone given plant stem cells will not grow leaves or bark.

While the hepatitis B virus cause hepatitis B, stem cells from plants cause healing in a person afflicted with degenerative disorders like arthritis, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, autism, and many more diseases and afflictions.

Hepatitis B virus can also attack and contaminate stem cells, both the native ones and the supplements. That is why the stem cells for use in stem cell therapy must be purged of virus and other causes of damage. You may read another article in StemCell101, “Purging Stem Cells For Use in Stem Cell Therapy of Damage or Causes of Damage.”

With so many similarities, you can see why it is important to understand the differences between stem cell therapy and hepatitis B virus and how stem cell therapy is also clearly safer.

The nature of a degenerative disease will be discussed in more detail in another StemCell101 article.  For a greater understanding of the background of stem cell therapy, you may read other StemCell101 articles like “Framework of Stem Cell-Organism,” “Stem Cell Therapy Compared with Chemotherapy in Curing Cancer,” and “Stem Cell Therapy Compared with Gene Therapy in Curing Cancer.”