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What is Stem-Kine?
Circulating daily throughout the body of every person of every age are millions of new cells, produced and released primarily from bone marrow, known as stem cells. Unlike other cells in the body, such as liver, heart, or brain cells, stem cells are early-stage undifferentiated cells that have not yet grown into a specific cell type. Stem cells constitute the body’s natural repair and rejuvenation system.
Adult Stem Cells
What do they do? There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. While embryonic stem cells are still a cause of controversy, the field of adult stem cells is beginning to gain significant momentum and praise in the scientific and medical communities. These non-controversial adult stem cells reside in your bone marrow and fat, as well as other body organs and tissues. In adult organisms, stem cells and progenitor cells act as a repair system for the body, not only replenishing specialized cells, but also maintaining the normal turnover of regenerative organs, such as blood, skin, or intestinal tissues. They are undifferentiated cells and possess the capability to ultimately change into many different types of cells throughout the body (e.g. liver cells, pancreatic cells, lung cells, nerve cells, etc.
They also:
- secrete chemicals that promote the healing of damaged tissue
- respond to signals in the body released during injury by homing in to the site, repairing damaged tissue
Adult stem cells bring significant promise as a healing mechanism and treatment method for a variety of otherwise untreatable conditions. Bone marrow transplants are an example of an adult stem cell therapy that has been in use for decades. Other advanced therapies are being developed and administered by international organizations such as the Stem Cell Institute. Many procedures are in clinical trials in the United States. Another way to improve health through the use of stem cells is to stimulate the body’s natural release of stem cells from the bone marrow. Drug companies manufacture drugs that cause the body to release such concentrations of stem cells. Stem-Kine also causes the release of stem cells from the bone marrow, but it is not a drug (which has side effects and is toxic). Rather, it is a natural food supplement that nourishes the body’s natural healing mechanisms, allowing an increase in circulating stem cells for an extended period of time.
What it is formulated to do?
Stem-Kine has been formulated by an expert in the field of stem cell research to nutritionally support the metabolism of bone marrow enabling it to produce more stem cells. By doing so, your body will have a greater ability to restore and rejuvenate itself.
How it is used?
Stem-Kine is taken as a serving of two capsules once or twice each day.
Dr. Neil Riordan talks about Stem Cell
What happens as we age?
As we grow older, our body’s production of stem cells declines steadily, at the very time in life when we are experiencing deteriorating mental acuity and strength, wrinkling skin, fading eye sight, and other signs and symptoms of aging – a time in life when we have greater need for tissue repair than ever before. When you are young, you produce a large number of stem cells; but after age 25, the number you produce continuously drops. Studies have shown that the more stem cells you have, the more effective is your ability to renew, repair, and slow down the signs and symptoms of aging.
Why use Stem-Kine?
By using Stem-Kine new product that will renew, replenish, and rejuvenate your own stem cells, your body will use them to bring about marvelous changes in your health. Stem-Kine is a unique nutraceutical supplement made with all-natural ingredients and vitamin D3 through a proprietary fermentation process. These new stem cells find where they are needed to help restore that part of the body to good health. Astounding experiences are being reported in studies and by individuals.
Who may benefit?
Anyone can benefit from an increased number of stem cells, particularly those over 25 years of age. As we grow older, we have fewer stem cells. Research has shown that the more stem cells you have, the more effective is your ability to renew, replenish, and slow down the signs and symptoms of aging. Studies showed that there was an increase in the number of stem cells after only 14 days of consuming Stem-Kine.
Research Findings
- Stroke
- Smoking
- Myocardial Infraction
- Vascular Health
- Alzheimer's Disease
- Migrane Headaches
- Injured Tissue
- Erectile Dysfunction
Finding: Following a stroke, individuals with a higher content of circulating stem cells recover better than individuals with fewer circulating stem cells.

In a study from the University Hospital Pasteur, 25 patients who incurred a stroke were divided into 2 groups. The first (left side of graph) had a higher number of circulating stem cells after the stroke, the second had a lower number (right side of the graph). On the y-axis is severity of the stroke’s effects. One and three months after ths stroke, the patients with higher amounts of circulating stem cells had a more profound neurological recovery as compared to patients who had lower stem cell counts.
Reference: Dunac et al. Neurological and functional recovery in human stroke are associated with peripheral blood CD34+ cell mobilization. J Neurol. 2007 Mar;254(3):327-32
Finding: Smokers have impaired circulating stem cells, which increase with cessation and decrease with resumption of smoking.

The effects of chronic smoking and subsequent termination were examined on circulating EPC levels. Participants included 14 nonsmokers and 15 smokers; all of the smokers quit smoking. It was found that circulating PCs and EPCs increased promptly after cessation and decreased again following resumption of smoking (resembling a level similar to pre-termination). Recovery of EPCs was found to be greater in light smokers than in heavy smokers. The graph on the left illustrates the levels of circulating progenitor cells corresponding to various time frames following smoking cessation and resumption.
Reference: Kondo et al. Smoking cessation rapidly increased circulating progenitor cells in peripheral blood in chronic smokers. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2004 Aug;24(8):1442-7
Finding: Increasing the number of circulating stem cells with G-CSF leads to a therapeutic effect in cardiac regeneration.

Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) is a drug that mobilizes EPCs, a type of stem cell. This study shows the effectiveness of having increased circulating stem cells in regards to cardiac regeneration (following acute myocardial infarction). The current study took 41 patients with large anterior wall acute myocardial infarction who were at increased risk of unfavorable cardiac remodeling, randomizing them into a control group and a treatment group. After a follow-up of 5 months, patients treated with G-CSF showed a substantially higher LV ejection fraction (left ventricular ejection fraction – the hearts pumping ability) than those treated by conventional methods. Using G-CSF (a means of increasing circulating EPCs) prevented unfavorable cardiac remodeling and improved LV function significantly (see graph to the top).
Reference: Leone et al. Usefullness of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor in patients with large anterior wall acute myocardial infarction to prevent left ventricular remodeling (the rigenera study). Am J Cardiol 2007, 100:397-403
Finding: Circulating stem cells correllate with vascular health and cardiac risk factors.

In a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, it was hypothesized that EPCs had a significant role in continuing endothelial repair, where decreased or damaged mobilization would contribute to endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular disease progression. They measured the amount of circulating EPCs that were able to form colonies(colony-forming units) in blood samples of 45 men who had differing degrees of cardiac risk factors but had never suffered cardiovascular disease. It was shown that a strong correlation existed between the number of circulating EPCs and the subject’s Framingham Risk Score- a measure of risk for cardiovascular disease (see graph to left). Significant correlations also existed between the amount of progenitor cells and the participant’s endothelial function; levels of circulating EPCs were actually a better predictor of vascular reactivity than the exsistence or nonexistence of cardiac risk factors.
Reference: Hill et al. Circulating endothelial progenitor cells, vascular function, and cardiovascular risk. N Engl J Med. 2003 Feb 13;348(7):593-600
Finding: Individuals with Alzheimers have reduced levels of circulating stem cells and a correlation exists between the decreased number of circulating stem cells and the severity of the disease.

In a recent study, the authors sought to investigate the levels of various circulating stem cells involved in angiogenesis (such as EPCs) in patients with Alzheimers disease. Study participants included 55 who were newly diagnosed with Alzheimers (AD), 37 who had non-AD neurodegenerative diseases, and nondemented risk factor control subjects for both groups after matching for sex, age and Framingham risk factor score. Results demonstrated that patients with AD had significantly lower amounts of CFU-EPC (colony-forming units) than the lower risk factor (RF) controls (see figure 1). Furthermore, lower amounts of CFU-EPC in patients with AD were independently associated with either a higher Clinical Dementia Rating scale score or a lower Mini-Mental State Examination score (see figure 2).
Reference: Lee et al. Reduced circulating angiogenic cells in Alzheimers disease. Neurology. 2009 May 26;72(21):1858-63
Finding: Patients with migraine headaches have decreased circulating stem cells.

Study authors investigated patients with migraines to see if irregularities in EPC amounts or abilities existed. A large sample was enlisted, including 166 total consecutive headache patients with varying degrees of severity (severity determined separation into three more groups). Peripheral blood samples were taken to determine CFU-EPCs in the patients; results indicated that those with migraines had significantly lower EPC levels (migraine with aura being lower than migraine without aura). EPCs from migraine patients demonstrated a decreased migratory capacity and increased cellular senescence compared to EPCs from normal subjects or those with tension-type headaches. These findings suggest that EPC numbers and functions may represent a link between migraines and cardiovascular risk factors.
Reference: Lee et al. Decreased number and function of endothelial progenitor cells in patients with migraine. Neurology. 2008 Apr 22;70(17):1510-7.
Finding: Injured tissue mobilizes or “calls in” stem cells.

Authors of this study sought to see if EPCs and CD34+ cells were mobilized in peripheral blood (PB) following acute myocardial infarction. Participants included 16 people who had just suffered an acute myocardial infarction and 8 control subjects who had no evidence of any cardiac ischemia (but suffered from abnormal chest pain). Flow cytometry anyalysis demonstrated that circulating CD34+ counts significantly increased following onset of myocardial infarction, reaching a peak at day 7 (see graph on the left), where control groups had no change. Furthermore, induced culture of a sample of these cells from the patients with acute myocardial infarction developed higher levels of cell clusters and EPCs from PB obtained from day 7 than day 1. This shows not only that levels of EPCs and CD34+ increase in response to an injury, but their capabilities to mobilize and colonize also increase (demonstrating their importance in response to injury).
Reference: Shintani et al. Mobilization of endothelial progenitor cells in patients with acute myocardial infarction. Circulation 2001; 103:2776-2779
Finding: Erectile and endothelial function correlate with circulating endothelial progenitor cell levels.

Endothelial dysfunction has been identified as a necessary connection with erectile dysfunction (ED). The objective of this study was to discover any potential trends in EPC levels of overweight men with and without ED. 30 overweight, yet healthy individuals with symptomatic ED for a period of at least 6 months were matched with 30 control subjects of the same age and weight without ED. Erectile dysfunction was assessed and multiple subpopulations of circulating EPCs were measured through flow cytometry. It was found that certain EPCs were significantly reduced in overweight subjects with ED and were related to the severity of the disease.
Reference: Esposito et al. Circulating CD34+ KDR+ endothelial progenitor cells correlate with erectile function and endothelial function in overweight men. J Sex Med 2009; 6(1):107-114