Summary: Conventional medicine uses medication, angioplasty, and coronary arterial bypass graft surgery to treat heart disease. Angioplasty and surgery are invasive. Medication may be long term and may allow heart disease to get worse. There are alternative treatments like intravenous chelation therapy and stem cell therapy. These are non-invasive and more effective.

Key words: stem cell, heart disease, chelation therapy, microbe, free radicals, angina


A Little Background About Disease

Science has determined the origin of many diseases. The common cold is caused by a germ or microbe called virus. Malaria is caused by protozoa.

All these are germs that bring about disease from something called the “germ theory of disease.” Germs have often been countered with vaccinations and antibiotics like penicillin or erythromycin.

Dr. Robert Willix, MD , author of “3 Minutes a Day to a Life Span of 120”, said that disease is caused by: (a) physiological injury like a cut or broken spinal cord, (b) microbes like bacteria, fungus, virus and protozoa (like malaria), (c) free radicals (atomic oxygen, molecular oxygen, ozone, singlet oxygen) and derivatives called reactive oxygen species or ROS (hydrogen peroxide, hydroxyl radical, alkoxy radical, lipid peroxide), and (d) psychological factors.

There was a time that smallpox was a scourge. A British doctor, Edward Jenner, came up with an idea to counter smallpox with an injection of blood coming from a cow afflicted with cow pox. At a later time, rabies turned out to be another scourge. Louis Pasteur countered it with a vaccine. Pasteur came up with the idea that germs caused rabies. He formulated the germ theory of disease in 1881-84.

Along with this theory, Robert Koch discovered that tuberculosis is caused by a bacteria. (“Bacteria” is a term used in both the singular or plural form). He developed a vaccine against tuberculosis. He also formulated the Koch postulates now still in use to determine the microbe that is causing disease.


What is Heart Disease?

Heart disease consists of the narrowing of one or all four major arteries that supply blood to heart muscles. These arteries are also called coronary arteries because they wind around the heart like a crown.

This narrowing is the result of an occlusion or plaque. Since blood carries oxygen, starvation for blood means starvation for oxygen. Low amounts of oxygen in the heart results in angina pectoris (also called chest pain). A heart muscle severely starved of oxygen dies. If several heart muscles die so that the heart fails to pump, the result is heart attack.


What Causes the Narrowing of Heart Arteries?

Conventional medicine does not pinpoint causes but rather makes a list of risk factors associated with plaque formation. These risk factors are: hypertension, age, obesity, diabetes, smoking, lack of exercise, and a high level of cholesterol. Note that these are not tagged as causes; but they are instead associated with heart disease.

The logic of association is different from the logic of causation. Since they are not causes, the risk factors are unreliable in predicting the occurrence of heart disease. For instance, one can have a high level of cholesterol but may not contract heart disease.

There was a large experiment conducted in Finland where participants were grouped as control (without medication) and treatment (with medication) The treatment group was given anti-hypertensive drugs and cholesterol-lowering drugs. At the end of a 10-year observation period, it was found that those given medications had a higher mortality than those without medication (Ornish, D. MD. Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversing Heart Disease.1996).

Heart disease is caused by free radicals and ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). A free radical is an atom or a molecule or a fragment of a molecule with at least one unpaired electron. This unpaired electron is unstable and to attain stability, it grabs another electron from a neighboring molecule, according to James Pierce, PhD in his book “Heart Healthy Magnesium” published in 1986. The cell whose molecule has been robbed of an electron is injured. An ROS acts like a free radical (magnesium is a chelator; more on this later).

We get plenty of free radicals and ROS from the environment: nitric oxide from pollution, ozone, sulfur oxides from garbage, singlet oxygen created by energy from the sun, to name a few.

Molecular oxygen is the kind of oxygen that we breathe and use in the metabolism of sugar (glucose) to produce energy. It does not directly attack arteries. However, metabolism has a by-product: superoxide. Superoxide, when added with one proton and one atom of hydrogen, turns into hydrogen peroxide, according to Dr. Hari Sharma in his book “Freedom from Disease” published in 1993. Hydrogen peroxide is an ROS.

Free radicals and ROS attack the inner wall of arteries and initiate mutation in the hereditary materials of cells. Mutation results in a benign tumor called atheroma, according to Dr. Elmer Cranton, MD in his book “Bypassing Bypass, updated 2nd edition, published in 1995. Atheroma starts with only one cell. The body tries to repair this injury with collagen, fibrin, elastin, and cholesterol. Calcium joins in later and serves as a cementing agent. The mixture turns into a mound or plaque. So, the attempt at repair gets off track. When more debris and bad cholesterol pile up on the plaque, it may partially or completely block the artery. When 50% to 75% of the diameter of the artery is blocked, the person afflicted feels chest pain upon exertion.

Free radicals (excluding molecular oxygen) and ROS attack cholesterol — specifically its low density lipoprotein. The product is attacked by molecular oxygen and is turned into lipid peroxide. This is another ROS. Lipid peroxide adds to the plaque. To recall, molecular oxygen does not directly attack cholesterol but contributes to plaque formation.


Conventional Treatments for Heart Disease

To treat heart disease, conventional medicine applies medication: Warfarin (the same is a bait for rats) or aspirin, both to thin the blood, Nitroglycerin (Imdur, Isordil) to dilate arteries,  Losartan to counter hypertension that usually accompanies heart disease. This medication protocol may treat heart disease, but it does not cure it.

In treatment, the disease is alleviated but is recurring because the causes are not countered or removed. In cure, the disease does not recur because the causes have been removed.

Other treatments applied by conventional medicine are coronary arterial bypass graft surgery (CABG) and angioplasty, with or without stent, according to Dr. Michael DeBakey, MD and Dr. Antonio Gotto, Jr. MD in their book “The New Living Heart” published in 1997.

Angioplasty consists of inserting a small plastic balloon into the artery with plaque. This balloon is inflated at the spot of the plaque widening the artery. Then the balloon is withdrawn. A stent, fine wire that serves as prop, can be inserted together with the balloon then left behind when the balloon is withdrawn.

Both CABG and angioplasty have a mortality of 2% to 5%. They are palliatives (meaning they lessen the symptoms), but they do not cure heart disease because they have nothing to do with free radicals and ROS. Other arteries not bypassed or angioplastied arteries may continue to form plaque, and the angioplastied part may reclose, or plaque may form over the stent.

Chelation Therapy

Chelation involves the erosion of plaque and the catching of free radicals and ROS by way of an intravenous drip. The ingredients of the cure are EDTA (ethylene-diamine-tetra-acetate), minerals and vitamins. These substances chelate out minerals like iron and copper that facilitate the production of free radicals and ROS. Chelation is not invasive. It is ethical and legal. Recently it has been proven by trials using double blind statistical design that chelation is effective. (You can view the video accessible in the Internet by searching “chelation therapy.”) EDTA does not completely remove calcium from the body. It only lowers its level and is soon restored by the body. For more information on chelation therapy access the Internet with the entry “chelation therapy cranton frackelton.”


Chelation Therapy Combined with Stem Cell Therapy

(See another StemCell101 article, “A Framework of Stem Cell-Organism”, for the background on stem cells.)


While EDTA is circulating in the body, it lowers the level of calcium. This triggers the parathyroid gland to secrete more parathormone. Parathormone induces the osteoblasts in the bone to form more bone material, getting calcium from any source in the body including the plaque. Osteoblast is a stem cell. When the diameter of an injured artery is about 50% occluded  (closed off), the flow of blood is normal. However, it is better to erode the plaque further.

Chelation therapy is given in sessions. Usually, a case of angina is given 30 sessions. A case of stroke is given 60 sessions. A person who had survived one heart attack or more is given 60 sessions.

Produced by bone marrow, the endothelium progenitor cells (EPC), stem-cell-like cells circulating in the blood develop into stem cells. These repair the inside wall of an artery (Moreno, O.R. et al. “Promoting Mechanisms of Vascular Health.” Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2009. vol. 53, 25:2315).

Healing from intravenous chelation therapy does not come immediately like from antibiotics. One gets the full benefit from a prescribed program of intravenous chelation within 90 days after completion of therapy (Cranton, E., MD and A. Brecher, Bypassing Bypass, updated edition. 1984). The endothelium progenitor cells having turned into stem cells had done their job in healing.


My Personal Heart Disease Experience:

From Conventional Treatment to Chelation and Stem Cell Supplements

At the time of this writing, I am personally undergoing intravenous chelation therapy. I had episodes of angina. I was diagnosed by a conventional cardiologist as having at least one artery with plaque occluded by 75% of its diameter.

After doing extensive research, I chose chelation therapy and stem cell therapies. I now have completed 40 sessions of chelation therapy. Before chelation, I could barely walk 20 meters before experiencing angina. Today, Dr. Estuita, my chelationist, tells me (a) my hypertension is controlled, (b) angina is controlled,  c) I am no longer a high risk in heart disease, (d) the possibility of heart attack had been eliminated.

I am now stronger. I have regained heavy writing and reading energy from straight news to feature stories on intense subjects like technology, economics, and politics, as well as my work in the sciences. I have also resumed my involved literature research, language translations, article composition, and all related tasks. I have written over 200 articles since 2010 after completing 25 sessions of chelation. I can now walk over 200 meters without stopping and having angina. You may read my articles published in

To recall, it is the native progenitor cells turned stem cells, together with chelation therapy, that have been successfully treating my heart disease.

Since September 2002, I have converted to almost a vegetarian diet using the heart disease reversal diet recommended by Dr. Ornish, MD and Dr. Cranton, MD who say, for example, that poaching a chicken egg does not turn it into bad cholesterol. Broken egg shell enables oxygen to enter and turns the low density lipoprotein of the egg into a bad cholesterol.


What about taking supplemental stem cells?

In addition, I have been taking plant meristems or stem cells orally in more concentrated form to boost my progenitor cells.  I am also looking forward to taking the nutritional supplement Stem-Kine, once it is available in the Philippines. Stem-kine, has been shown to dramatically increase the body’s own adult circulating stem cells by double the number within 14 days in clinical trials published in the Journal of Translational Medicine in 2009 and 2010. JJ