Emphysema consists of inflammation of air passageways and alveoli or air sacs. Inflammation is accompanied by phlegm. Passageways and air sacs become inelastic that makes breathing difficult. Stale air is trapped. Severely inflamed air sacs eventually rupture; rupture is irreversible, according to Dr. Walker (Walker, M. M.P.D. The Miracle Healing Power of Chelation Therapy. 1984:49).

As the number of ruptured air sacs increases, the number of air sacs used in breathing decreases. Normally, about 15% of energy of the body is used in breathing. By the time that the victim is bed-ridden due to emphysema, the person will be spending 85% of his/her energy in breathing. S/he will be using only 15% of energy for other functions of the body. That’s why the person will be very weak.

The lungs have 200 to 600 million air sacs or alveoli, according to Astrand, Per-Olof and Kaare Rodahl (Textbook of Work Physiology, Physiological Bases of Exercise. 1977:211). It takes time to rupture that number. That is why emphysema kills slowly. Rupture is not one after another, but sometimes in clusters. One inflamed air sac can induce inflammation of a neighboring air sac. Or the inflammation agent attacks a lot of air sacs at once. Alveoli assaulted by free radicals and x-rays are like balloons pricked by needles. And just like those balloons, the collapse of an air sac is irreversible.


What attacks the passageways and air sacs in emphysema? As we just saw, free radicals and x-rays come from the smoke of cigarettes or cigars or chewed tobacco. Not from the tar, which was a belief held until now by conventional medicine as the cause of cancer and heart disease.

How does tobacco smoke, inhaled by a smoker or by a non-smoker, come to contain free radicals and x-rays? You may read another article, “How Does Tobacco Cause Cancer”, for the background on how free radicals and x-rays cause this damage.

Early halt

A smoker who stops smoking now will be attacked by free radicals and x-rays for 44 more years to come. That is from lead 210 only; it is compounded by polonium 210 in 276.8 days. If he died at age 100, his bones and DNA will still be attacked in his grave for 44 more years. The same is true for a non-smoker who inhales secondhand smoke.

Phlegm may be remedied; however, inflammation of air passageways and air sacs may not be stopped. All the more so if the victim of emphysema does not stop smoking. It is like limiting the flow of water in a faucet; however, the reservoir is constantly being replenished. Or like trying to stop the inundation of great floods in the Tennessee Valley with a series of dams built in different states downstream.


Emphysema can be stopped, alleviated, or mitigated by a halt in smoking, by medication, by antioxidants, or by infusion chelation therapy. However, it is hoped that the body can cope with the dose of x-rays from tobacco. At least the extra free radicals from lead 210 and polonium 210 can be mopped up. That can probably slow down the progress of emphysema. Some air sacs are still left behind for use in breathing, but the victim is definitely now weaker due to insufficient oxygen getting into his system.


A challenge to stem cell therapy

To recall, rupture or collapse of air sacs is irreversible. One remedy, aside from those mentioned above, is regrowing of air sacs. That can be done by stem cell therapy. You may read other articles in StemCell101.com, “The Use of Stem Cell Therapy Based on Stem Cell-Organism Framework.” JR